Wednesday, September 26, 2012

For the Lamb

"Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man" Ecclesiastes 11:13

I found myself in an inter-racial, gospel-music-playing, confessional Presbyterian church this past Sunday. It was boss. Who knew that you could take A Mighty Fortress and funkatize it into a gospel song! Anyway, I'll be attending this church, Christ Central, for the time being. Further down the road I will probably try to become an intern there as well.

We looked at the martyrs in my Church History course this past week. Talk about a punch to the gut! Here am I, just trying to have my own private pity party about how hard seminary is and about all the stuff I gave up to serve God, and then these martyrs come along, showing me their puncture wounds and claw marks and missing body parts! I'm like "Sheesh, guys! I'm really happy for you and your new robes and all, but quit rubbing it in my face!" And then I have to repent. Anyway, martyrs were pretty boss. If ever you need a pick-me-up, just think "At least I'm not being torn to shreds by wild animals while my former friends and neighbors watch and jeer".

Now, onward, to happier thoughts! Sweet home Chicago! I'll likely be coming back to the Land of Lincoln for a couple of days during the week of October 8. I hope to see all of you then!

In Christ's love

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