Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Decaf Espresso and Midnight Driving

Decaf espresso...two words that should never, ever, EVER go together. For some reason, I have been having headaches on-and-off for the last few weeks. I couldn't put my finger on it until I looked at the bag of coffee beans in the kitchen the other day. My roommate orders lots of food off of Amazon (Yeah! Apparently you can do that!) and the coffee came in a relatively inconspicuous silver bag. But sure enough, right there on the side of the bag, the answer to all of my mysterious headaches: decaf espresso. What's the point of that? Who in God's earth decided that espresso needed to be decaffeinated? I remain to be convinced that this wasn't a secret plot from the devil to incur headaches in God's coffee-drinking servants. Or maybe it's a government conspiracy. I'll have to check the interweb.

In other news, I officially finished my first class of seminary. Greek 1 was hard and I am definitely not rejoicing at the prospect of more Greek in the Fall, but I know that the long-term benefits will outweigh the pains of study and learning. The only thing that remains for me to do for Greek 1 is finish our final paper, a paper on textual criticism. For those who don't know, textual criticism is the field of study that deals with how the New Testament was written and how it got into our hands today. It's really fascinating. The New Testament is by far the most well documented series of events from the ancient world. Nothing even comes close to it in terms of manuscript support in quantity or quality. To claim that the New Testament is an unreliable source of information is surely an exercise in futility.

In even MORE other news, I had the chance to drive up to Ohio this past weekend and visit the second-greatest love in my heart (behind the Triune God, of course!), Olivia! Picture this: it's 3pm Friday and me and my lovely lady are talking on the Skype. We were both sad at the prospect of not seeing each other for another month, so we hastily threw together some driving directions and I set out on a 10-hour drive through Real and Fake Virginia up to northern Ohio. There's nothing like driving through mountains straight through the night, pounding Starbucks energy drinks to stay awake, to give you that ol' romantic feeling. We thoroughly enjoyed our weekend together and I came back after church on Sunday.

Three things that I miss about Illinois so far...

1. My family
I'm definitely missing being around home. Elmhurst was never that far from home, so I saw my family on a pretty regular basis. Now, that's changed, and I'm definitely missing all of my kin.
2. Elmhurst College
I can't lie, I am thoroughly missing Campus Crusade. For anyone reading this who is still in Elmhurst, cherish the time you have with your brothers and sisters. Grow with them, learn with them, love with them. I am getting involved with the community in my seminary and my church down here, but it's slow-going compared to the relative ease of community in college. Enjoy it while you can.
3. Baseball
Everyone likes basketball down here. It's absurd. I'm still trying to find a place that will beam in a White Sox game.

Thanks for reading. God be with you. Much love in Christ.

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